Saturday, February 1, 2025

Oxford AI can predict the market

By DAC000 , in AI , at June 11, 2021 Tags:

Reports Bloomberg news, suggesting an 80% success rate. About a one minute read.

Comment: yes, I’m dubious. Let’s see then put some money into the market and generate alpha. Easy to conduct simulated market trading, much harder in the market.

Related: there is a bot trading the markets, AIEQ. Its an actively managed ETF which uses IBM’s Watson for portfolio structuring and trading. Given the hype about AI (this article included), I report on AIEQ every quarter. AIEQ currently holds 95 positions, has $161m assets and charges a 0.75% expense ratio. Over the past 1Y AIEQ has returned 43.27%.

So beating SPX by a small amount, ignoring costs.
